To hear

We get stronger because we can count on you to improve Algar's environment.

In order to support the maintenance of an ethical and transparent corporate environment, the Algar group has an Ethics Channel. A legitimate and impartial channel, where it is possible to contact anonymously to report violations of the Code of Conduct.

The Ethics Channel serves Associates, Suppliers, Customers and other stakeholders of our companies.

Recorded reports are treated with absolute confidentiality. All records are analyzed carefully and responsibly, contributing to transparent management and a trustworthy environment.

Confidentiality of reports

All manifestations received by the Ethics Channel will be treated confidentially, in order to preserve the identity of the person requesting it.

Integrity and Compliance

The information received through the channel will be received by an independent and specialized company, Aliant, ensuring absolute confidentiality and the appropriate treatment of each situation by the Algar group's Integrity Committee, without conflicts of interest.

No tolerance for retaliation

Any retaliation against a protester who reports a concern or complaint about misconduct to the Ethics Channel will not be permitted or tolerated.

Other available communication channels:

Phone: 0800 034 2525